Retropolis by Basement, Sterilone is a captivating album that showcases the band's ability to blend different genres seamlessly. Each track is a unique and refreshing combination of rock, electronica, and pop. The album opens with the energetic and catchy "Can't Stop The Feeling," which sets the tone for the rest of the record. The use of synth and electronic beats throughout the album adds a futuristic and modern touch to the overall sound.
The vocals on Retropolis are dynamic and emotive, with the lead singer's voice soaring over the instrumentals. The lyrics are introspective and thought-provoking, with themes of self-discovery and growth present throughout the album. The standout tracks include "Lost In The City," a haunting ballad that showcases the band's ability to create a powerful atmosphere, and "Dreaming Of You," a catchy and upbeat track that will have listeners dancing along.
Retropolis is a well-crafted and impressive album that will appeal to fans of alternative and electronic music. Basement, Sterilone has created a unique sound that is both fresh and timeless, and this album is a testament to their talent and creativity.